First Iterations in Dynamics (3rd meeting) offers a platform for young researchers working in Dynamical Systems Theory in Brazil. The purpose of this event is to promote the participation of young people in the scientific life and the dissemination of their work. The third meeting of this series will take place on June 23th, 2022 at 3 pm (Brasilia time), using the platform zoom. It will consist of four talks of 30 minutes each, and hopefully with plenty discussion.
The speakers of this meeting should be graduate students or young researchers preferably with degree obtained after June 30th, 2019. The talks will be preferably in English.
People can propose a talk not after May 22, 2022, using the form. For that, we ask to submit:
- an abstract of the talk, and
- a video of at most 5 minutes about the topic of the talk.
The speakers will be selected by the organizing committee.
We encourage all students and their advisors to participate and ask for a wide dissemination of the event. We appreciate your cooperation.
Ali Tahzibi (USP-São Carlos)
Cristina Lizana (UFBa)
Fábio Tal (USP-São Paulo)
Karina Marín (UFMG)
Katrin Gelfert (UFRJ)
Lorenzo J. Díaz (PUC-Rio)
Yuri Lima (UFC)